
Hello and welcome to the LaTeX lab manual, part of COMP101 at the University of Manchester.

The LaTeX project logo by Jonas Jacek CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons w.wiki/3Daw

Figure 0.1: The LaTeX project logo by Jonas Jacek CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons w.wiki/3Daw

Reading this LaTeX manual and doing the five exercises it contains will enable you to develop your written communication skills so that you can:

  1. Create a simple document in pdf using LaTeX
  2. Illustrate a document with figures and cross references
  3. Typeset some mathematics
  4. Share and collaborate on LaTeX documents using overleaf
  5. Draft a CV using LaTeX templates


This manual is a substantially revised version of earlier LaTeX lab manuals created by Ulrike Sattler, Graham Gough, Paul Waring, Toby Howard and Steve Pettifer.

Improve this manual

The source of this manual is available on github so if you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve it, you can raise an issue or submit a pull request. We’ll credit every contribution, however small, because they all make a difference.

Thanks to contributions from Hamza Latif (@ultrasockhead) and Saurav Maheshkar (@SauravMaheshkar)

If you want to make suggestions for improvements that don’t get attributed to your name, email me directly.